California Personal Injury Specialists.
JOHNSON MOORE is a top Southern California law firm specializing in automobile accident personal injury cases. Our talent and experience has led to our successful representation for many involved in auto accidents in our community. The successful results of JOHNSON MOORE consistently demonstrate the drive and competence of our attorneys.
We promise to give you and your case personal attention, fast action and aggressive representation. If you or a loved one has been involved in an accident it can be a difficult, frustrating and lonely process.
We understand that you are dealing with injuries, doctors, medical bills, and great deal of pain — all from an accident that was not your fault. At JOHNSON MOORE, our goal is to work to give you peace of mind that you have a good attorney working for you to get you the maximum financial recovery- so that you can get your life back.
We give each client the time and attention necessary to get the most out of his or her case–we never take an assembly-line approach to our clients’ personal injury and auto accident claims.
We are known to “go to the mat” for our clients. That carries extraordinary weight and respect with insurance companies and other lawyers. We regularly get better and faster results than law firms without our reputation.
We help our clients with their medical, vehicle repair or replacement, rental car and other bills starting from day one.
Consultations are always free and can be done whenever and wherever is most convenient for you — including weekends, evenings, hospitals, home, at your office, or at our offices.